In Which I Have the Coolest Website Ever
Yes, my website has been totally redesigned. The journal archives and such have maintained their old formatting, and this journal is obviously the same, but
everything else has been overhauled by none other than the Iron Goddess herself, web design guru, Ms.
Beth Adele Long. I totally love what she did, and am amazed at the speed and skill in which she did it. (I've never watched someone design a website before--at least not while literally looking over their shoulder, which is what Beth dealt with doing my site.) Isn't it great?
I'm linking right now to her author's page. (She recently sold some stories, too; two of which, "A Secret Lexicon for the Not-Beautiful" and "The Rose Thief," I know very well and love.) She tells me that the page for Iron Goddess Designs will be up soon. When it is, I'll link to that, too.