<$BlogRSDURL$> Spontaneous Things: Karina Sumner-Smith's Blog
Friday, April 02, 2004
Ad Astra Schedule

My panels:

Show, Don't Tell -- Sat 10:00 AM
Heroes, Not Messiahs -- Sat 2:00 PM
Enlightenment Machines -- Sun 10:00 AM

I am also moderating "Heroes, Not Messiahs"--my fellow panelists are C.J. Cherryh and Will McDermott. Why I am moderating, I'm not exactly sure, but it promises to be a story, if nothing else. I think it'll be fun.

I also have a reading at 7 PM on Saturday, with Sarah. There will be prizes!

I'm really looking forward to ths weekend, but I'm already falling behind--haven't packed, haven't done the business cards, key pieces of my wardrobe are wet in the laundry room--so I've got to get going. I'll talk about the Odyssey book launch at the Merril yesterday, and the events of the whole convention, on Monday after I've written that darned take-home exam. Later!

Posted by Karina Sumner-Smith at 10:57 AM


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