I'm about set to go on a camping trip to Algonquin Park; my stuff, in all its various bags and containers, is piled up on my bed, and I'm scurrying about making sure that I do at least some of the things on this seemingly endless mental to-do list before I go.
At the top of the list, an announcement:
my friend Susan has started a blog. Yes! Finally! (Another one joins the fold ...)
Susan's been one of my favourite writers and closest friends since we met at Clarion in 2001. And though the blog doesn't quite make up for the sad lack of Susan-fiction in recent times (for that I blame the nursing school), it certainly goes a long way to supplement the emails and marathon phone conversations.
Ah, which reminds me! To add to the camping pile: my little notebook to write yet more words which are but are not the novel. Until the voice of this book hits, I'm just going to keep writing crap -- yes, every single day -- and the sooner my subconscious gets on board with that, the better.