Why Are(n't) You Listening?Thank the powers that be for
Enter the Haggis, their new album, and the geniuses that invented streaming media.It's hour god-only-knows-what of my weekend writing/revision fun for this RFS response for work (due tomorrow, of course, and have people sent me the promised materials that I need? No, of course not), and right now the loud music is the only thing that's keeping me going. I enjoy many of the songs, but I currently have "Lancaster Gate" and "New Monthly Flavour" on constant repeat. (The latter of which took me a few plays to get, but now has been stuck in my head for two days straight. If it's the same damn song, why are you listening? Dun-dun-da-da-da-da.)
I swear, there will come a time when I can do things like read a book, or watch DVDs, or write, or make sparkly things, or write up this stack of critiques, or do any bloody thing that does not involve me typing the words "iterative" or "Ministry" or "Shore's strategic analysis and development team" over and over like some response-writing machine. Until that day ... fiddle and bass, bagpipe and pounding beat, keep me strong.
Good ThingsOr, Reasons I'm Exhausted and IncoherentSaturday morning I went to see a free preview screening of
Superman Returns. This meant no sleeping in, no breakfast, and a good deal of rushing around to make it to the 9:30 AM screening.
I will be good: see, no spoilers here at all. Not a one. Not even about the part where...
It was well worth seeing, I think. I left the theatre feeling happy and excited and chattering happily about various events, and considering the no sleep/no food/rushing around thing mentioned earlier -- in addition to some irritating individuals who whispered through much of the movie -- this is not an inconsiderable compliment. No, I’m not running about yelling "BEST MOVIE EVER!!!" I will, however, say somewhat loudly that it was "QUITE ENJOYABLE!!"
Following the movie, I went down to Bakka. Officially I was there to attend the book launch of
North of Infinity II (which I remember submitting a story to, waaaay back when it was first open to submissions in 1998), which was very well attended and had some great authors there signing copies; but the real reason is that I wanted to hang out with the folks that work there and eat some fabulous cookies.
At some point early in the afternoon, Leah and Simone found a package of
A Scanner Darkly swag -- including, to our delight, fake tattoos each with a blue/purple flower (which I call cheerful, and Leah has deemed creepy) and either DOOM, DESPAIR, DEATH or DESERTION written beneath. These proved to be irresistible.
The conversations in the bathroom as these tattoos were applied were quite fantastic.
"Aah, my death broke! Can someone get me another death?"
"Hang on, hang on, that doom needs longer. It hasn't been 30 seconds yet."
"Yay, despair! My despair makes me so happy. Look at it there, all pretty."
My despair has actually stayed with me, sitting nicely on my shoulder through three showers and considerable abuse. It's tough stuff, this despair.
I also nabbed a couple of passes to see the free preview of
A Scanner Darkly next week, so yay for that, too!
Sunday I was just plain exhausted and incoherent.
Monday was just Monday, until the evening when I went with Sarah, Jana and Chris to see the taping of an interview with John Howe, artist and illustrator, who is probably best known for his work on the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. The interview was conducted by Canadian fantasy author Caitlin Sweet.
John Howe is one of those people who talks quietly and intensely about the work that he loves so much, and does so in such a way that you can't help but become caught up in not only his narrative, but his passion as well. "I could draw," I found myself thinking. "Of course I could draw. I could paint, too. I
should paint!" Etc.
Problem is, I'd want to do all these things well -- well as in "as well as John Howe" -- and that's not only foolish, it's frankly impossible. Because wow, is he ever talented.
The interview ended a little after 10 PM, and as I stumbled out of the studio (still rather exhausted and incoherent) I thought to myself, "Oh good, time to go home and sleep. I might even make it home before midnight..."
Which, of course, is when Caitlin and Chris said, "Hey, we're going to go out with John for drinks. Wanna come?"
Now really, why on earth would I say no to that? There are some things for which I'll gladly lose sleep.